Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Funds Oil Exploration in Brazil

Written Two Weeks Ago
Today President Obama lent two billion dollars to the Brazilians to drill for oil offshore. This is the same man who consistently claimed the environment was in such a state of crisis that cap and trade must be passed in the United States. This hypocrite pushed legislation through the house preventing economic growth for the sake of the environment in our country and two months later gave two billion dollars to support the same activity abroad.
This was done by the same man that will not stand up to dictators in Iran and North Korea but sends union muscle out to assault American citizens practicing their constitutional rights. As our enemies improve their nuclear technology and patrol our coasts with submarines he has ended the development of our fighter jets and downgraded our missile shields. This is a man who cannot bring himself to support Iranian revolutionaries fighting fascism, our greatest enemy and the government that funded the deaths of thousands of American troops in Iraq, but consistently finds time to mock conservatives and accuse Republicans, Fox News and Talk Radio of plotting against him. Time and time again he has found common ground with fascist dictators and has gone to war with tax-paying Americans.
To anyone with common sense this man’s intentions are crystal clear. He is a fascist, determined to destroy both the United States’ economy and military, putting us at the mercy of other fascist across the globe. Is he doing this because he is a hardened communist? Is he doing this do gain retribution for crimes he believes were committed against his father and his race? That does not matter, what matters is that he is not only putting you and your children at great risk for financial ruin, but at the risk of losing every one of your freedoms.
Sam Hale

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