The climate is changing in the World; that is indisputable. Fascism is growing across South and Central America, and deranged dictators are developing nuclear bombs and mid-range Missiles with the intentions of destroying entire nations, races and religions. However last week at the UN summit in New York City, our President’s main focus was on different kind of climate change, promoting his own deranged agenda while ignoring our Country’s and the World’s real problems.
At the Green Tea Party in Washington D.C. this Saturday, tax-paying Americans discussed the science behind man-caused global warming/climate change. Although the rally was from 1-4 PM, it took anyone with an open mind a 15 minutes analysis of the facts provided to realize the theory described as “indisputable” by the left, is indisputably a hoax. A fact sheet provided at the rally which discredits both the President’s theories on climate change and his cap and trade legislation has been posted on this blog. In five minutes of reading it, one can become more in tune with reality than anyone in the White House.
When finished speaking on global warming, a theory that now strikingly resembles the global cooling hoax of the 70s, the President moved to another failed theory of that era: disarmament. As rogue dictators and unstable countries all over the World develop weapons of mass destruction, Obama’s solution is for America to abandon its ability to protect itself. Eight years after 9/11 our new President believes that putting the great society at the mercy of its enemies will lead to peace on Earth.
The clear oversight in this judgment is that our weapons did not trigger the attacks of 9/11 and the following wars. It was our way of life and our commitment to an ally. Which should force all Americans to ask themselves what are Obama’s real intentions through the implementation of this policy? Is he trying to rid the World of nuclear weapons or put an end to the American lifestyle? For a man so glowingly adored by both Hugo Chavez and Muammar Qadhafi the latter does not seem so farfetched.
The League of Nations was originally envisioned by Woodrow Wilson as a place where human rights would be promoted and war would be discouraged. Last week the United Nations provided a pulpit for men who commit acts of terrorism, execute people without due process, destabilize entire continents and rob women of the most basic rights. It also provided a venue for our President to apologize for our country while being thoroughly embarrassed by an Iranian regime that clearly has no respect for him. The UN is no longer worthless in its ability to promote rights and ease conflict, it has become a detriment to these causes.
I for one never thought that I would miss George W. Bush. But as the Middle East lies on the brink of nuclear holocaust, and our finest in Afghanistan make the ultimate sacrifice without the slightest leadership or strategy, while our President travels to Denmark to beg for the Olympics in Chicago, I miss the days when America had a leader.
Sam Hale
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
MSOP RECAP: Meeting September 22nd
The 9/12 march on Washington was a huge success. Several hundreds of thousands of people gathered (some report as many as 1 million) and I've read reports saying the White House was "shocked." Thanks to all the MSOP members that were able to make it, it was a great time.
I gathered with the students at the University of Maryland Thursday the 17th as we protested Obama's rally on the College Park Campus. We had a great time and it was encouraging to meet so many intelligent conservative students on what is a vastly liberal campus.
Attend an MSOP Meeting:
MSOP will hold an informational meeting Tuesday September 22 at 7:30 PM. The meeting will again be held in Silver Spring. If you're available I encourage you to attend as we will be discussing future strategies for the group. Feel free to bring anyone interested in MSOP or simply fighting big government on a local scale. Please RSVP so we have an idea of the amount of refreshments that will be required.
If this is your first time at our blog here is our mission statement: If you're interested in joining our mailing list, becoming a member or attending our informational meeting please email us
Sam Hale
I gathered with the students at the University of Maryland Thursday the 17th as we protested Obama's rally on the College Park Campus. We had a great time and it was encouraging to meet so many intelligent conservative students on what is a vastly liberal campus.
Attend an MSOP Meeting:
MSOP will hold an informational meeting Tuesday September 22 at 7:30 PM. The meeting will again be held in Silver Spring. If you're available I encourage you to attend as we will be discussing future strategies for the group. Feel free to bring anyone interested in MSOP or simply fighting big government on a local scale. Please RSVP so we have an idea of the amount of refreshments that will be required.
If this is your first time at our blog here is our mission statement: If you're interested in joining our mailing list, becoming a member or attending our informational meeting please email us
Sam Hale
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Info on 9/12 Taxpayer March on D.C.
The following two links will provide you with some in depth information on the 9/12 protests:
The MSOP carpool will be leaving Silver Spring around 9:00 AM and hopefully arriving at Freedom Plaza (1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington 20004) between 9:30-45. Please feel free to join us for the carpool and if you are heading directly to D.C. make sure you come see us.
The Metro Center station on the Red, Blue, and Orange lines is two blocks north on 13th Street.
The march will begin at 11:30 and will be immediately followed by a rally with several speakers. Glen Beck will be airing his show live from the area from 1:00-3:00.
Bring your own signs. Please email or call us if you need any more information, and make sure you call us on 9/12 if you're looking for us.
If this is your first time at our blog here is our mission statement:
If you're interested in joining our mailing list or becoming a member please email us at:
The MSOP carpool will be leaving Silver Spring around 9:00 AM and hopefully arriving at Freedom Plaza (1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington 20004) between 9:30-45. Please feel free to join us for the carpool and if you are heading directly to D.C. make sure you come see us.
The Metro Center station on the Red, Blue, and Orange lines is two blocks north on 13th Street.
The march will begin at 11:30 and will be immediately followed by a rally with several speakers. Glen Beck will be airing his show live from the area from 1:00-3:00.
Bring your own signs. Please email or call us if you need any more information, and make sure you call us on 9/12 if you're looking for us.
If this is your first time at our blog here is our mission statement:
If you're interested in joining our mailing list or becoming a member please email us at:
Obama Funds Oil Exploration in Brazil

Written Two Weeks Ago
Today President Obama lent two billion dollars to the Brazilians to drill for oil offshore. This is the same man who consistently claimed the environment was in such a state of crisis that cap and trade must be passed in the United States. This hypocrite pushed legislation through the house preventing economic growth for the sake of the environment in our country and two months later gave two billion dollars to support the same activity abroad.
This was done by the same man that will not stand up to dictators in Iran and North Korea but sends union muscle out to assault American citizens practicing their constitutional rights. As our enemies improve their nuclear technology and patrol our coasts with submarines he has ended the development of our fighter jets and downgraded our missile shields. This is a man who cannot bring himself to support Iranian revolutionaries fighting fascism, our greatest enemy and the government that funded the deaths of thousands of American troops in Iraq, but consistently finds time to mock conservatives and accuse Republicans, Fox News and Talk Radio of plotting against him. Time and time again he has found common ground with fascist dictators and has gone to war with tax-paying Americans.
To anyone with common sense this man’s intentions are crystal clear. He is a fascist, determined to destroy both the United States’ economy and military, putting us at the mercy of other fascist across the globe. Is he doing this because he is a hardened communist? Is he doing this do gain retribution for crimes he believes were committed against his father and his race? That does not matter, what matters is that he is not only putting you and your children at great risk for financial ruin, but at the risk of losing every one of your freedoms.
This was done by the same man that will not stand up to dictators in Iran and North Korea but sends union muscle out to assault American citizens practicing their constitutional rights. As our enemies improve their nuclear technology and patrol our coasts with submarines he has ended the development of our fighter jets and downgraded our missile shields. This is a man who cannot bring himself to support Iranian revolutionaries fighting fascism, our greatest enemy and the government that funded the deaths of thousands of American troops in Iraq, but consistently finds time to mock conservatives and accuse Republicans, Fox News and Talk Radio of plotting against him. Time and time again he has found common ground with fascist dictators and has gone to war with tax-paying Americans.
To anyone with common sense this man’s intentions are crystal clear. He is a fascist, determined to destroy both the United States’ economy and military, putting us at the mercy of other fascist across the globe. Is he doing this because he is a hardened communist? Is he doing this do gain retribution for crimes he believes were committed against his father and his race? That does not matter, what matters is that he is not only putting you and your children at great risk for financial ruin, but at the risk of losing every one of your freedoms.
Sam Hale
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Steny Hoyer Town Hall
Last night’s town hall was an interesting and exciting event. Although I doubt Hoyer will change his position on the issues, the press could not help but report on the vocal opposition to government healthcare that exists even inside a historically democrat district.
Steny started the evening by making several outlandish claims via powerpoint. During his presentation he claimed the public option would fix medicare and provide affordable coverage for all without doing any damage to the economy. He also supported a claim by a fellow congressman that people who believe HR3200 would allow for the creation of "death panels" are "nuts" and went on to assure that healthcare under the public option would in no way be rationed.
Later in the evening, in response to a question posed by Collins Bailey, who may become Hoyer’s opponent in the 2010 elections, Steny claimed that the public option could provide health care to every American that wanted it without either raising taxes or increasing the deficit. He claimed the government would be so efficient in cutting costs that the program would be similar to an "investment" that would earn America money in the long run.
Where does one begin to respond to the absurdity of a democrat congressman, in the midst of the financial woes of social security, medicare, fannie and freddie, the post office and the entire nation, making a claim that the government will not only be fiscally responsible but that it possesses supreme cost cutting effectiveness that is non-existent in the private sector?
All that aside, the left has only provided solutions to coverage problems. They not only have no plans to return health care costs to their free market value but are deeply opposed to conservative efforts to do so. How then would the government cut costs? One only has to look to every nation with socialized healthcare in the World to find that answer. Every government run healthcare system in the World rations care and makes life or death decisions for its patients in something similar to what right wing nut jobs call death panels.
Steny Hoyer smoothly dodged several tough questions last night. Steny Hoyer also contradicted himself and lied directly to the faces his constituents, he was booed and jeered accordingly.
Sam Hale
Steny started the evening by making several outlandish claims via powerpoint. During his presentation he claimed the public option would fix medicare and provide affordable coverage for all without doing any damage to the economy. He also supported a claim by a fellow congressman that people who believe HR3200 would allow for the creation of "death panels" are "nuts" and went on to assure that healthcare under the public option would in no way be rationed.
Later in the evening, in response to a question posed by Collins Bailey, who may become Hoyer’s opponent in the 2010 elections, Steny claimed that the public option could provide health care to every American that wanted it without either raising taxes or increasing the deficit. He claimed the government would be so efficient in cutting costs that the program would be similar to an "investment" that would earn America money in the long run.
Where does one begin to respond to the absurdity of a democrat congressman, in the midst of the financial woes of social security, medicare, fannie and freddie, the post office and the entire nation, making a claim that the government will not only be fiscally responsible but that it possesses supreme cost cutting effectiveness that is non-existent in the private sector?
All that aside, the left has only provided solutions to coverage problems. They not only have no plans to return health care costs to their free market value but are deeply opposed to conservative efforts to do so. How then would the government cut costs? One only has to look to every nation with socialized healthcare in the World to find that answer. Every government run healthcare system in the World rations care and makes life or death decisions for its patients in something similar to what right wing nut jobs call death panels.
Steny Hoyer smoothly dodged several tough questions last night. Steny Hoyer also contradicted himself and lied directly to the faces his constituents, he was booed and jeered accordingly.
Sam Hale
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