This week America’s leftist “mainstream media” defended a murderer. The left went out of its way to avoid calling Major Hassan a terrorist. They made excuses for his activities claiming he was harassed; he had PTSD; and he was having difficulty struggling with the morality of the war. All while a former president used a perverse, sexual euphemism to describe the tea party movement and a sexual video of an under-aged Carrie Prejean was cause for leftist celebration.
On November 9, Chris Matthews found common ground with Hassan. He claimed he had problems with the war as well. Matthews went on to defend our military’s ignorance of Hassan’s behavior claiming "it’s not illegal to call Al Qaeda.” This is especially offensive when one recalls Mathews’ support for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s’ focus on the "rise of right wing extremism" earlier this year. It seems a movement of protesters that insist on cleaning up after themselves is more worrisome to Mr. Matthews than one (radical Islam) that has killed thousands of our troops.
Even more disturbing is the report that Hassan’s colleagues felt afraid to punish or report his behavior due to fear of being politically incorrect. This is a country where Bill Clinton refers to conservative activists as "tea baggers" and Sarah Palin is relentlessly mocked and ridiculed in every conceivable way. A country where the media feels it necessary to expose a sexually explicit video of Carrie Prejean, when she was seventeen, due to the fact she now opposes same-sex marriage. However, at the same time, members of our military feel afraid to condemn an ideology they are at war with for fear of being offensive.
The President himself went out of his way to avoid insulting Major Hassan by calling him a terrorist. He even went as far to insinuate that the blame may fall on the military, saying, “Even within the extraordinary military that we have...There are going to be instances in which an individual cracks.” A stark contrast to Obama’s reaction to the April 15th protests when he promptly dismissed the participants as misinformed goons that were, "Waving tea bags around.” Which were strikingly similar to his comments during the town-hall protests in August when he urged his supporters to, "get in the face" of their political opponents and to stand up for his reforms.
Obviously, the President responded more forcefully to the protests due to the fact that he felt they were personal attacks on him and his policies. However, I would like to remind Obama that he is Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces. It would be perfectly appropriate for him to respond to the murder of 13 soldiers on American soil as something that is personally offensive.
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